Fill out the form below to get started. Once I receive your inquiry I'll send you a calendar link to schedule a consultation call.
On that call we'll go over your travel preferences, past trips you've taken and enjoyed, and what you're looking for in your next vacation. We'll talk about what the experience you'd like is expected to cost, as well as my planning fees.
Please note that I specialize in planning luxury vacations, and require a minimum daily spend of at least $1,250 per room, per day for full-service planning. If you are not prepared to invest that amount in your trip, my trip consultation or itinerary planning services will be the right fit for you.
Ready to start planning?
Fill out the form below to get started. Once I receive your inquiry I'll send you a calendar link to schedule a consultation call.
On that call we'll go over your travel preferences, past trips you've taken and enjoyed, and what you're looking for in your next vacation. We'll talk about what the experience you'd like is expected to cost, as well as my planning fees.
Please note that I specialize in planning luxury vacations, and require a minimum daily spend of at least $1,250 per room, per day for full-service planning. If you are not prepared to invest that amount in your trip, my trip consultation or itinerary planning services will be the right fit for you.
Ready to start planning?
Contact Us